Thursday, January 17, 2008

Media data without media directory

It's not a big trouble, but I wanted to remove the /media/ prefix on all my media links, like...

<img alt="My Image" src="/media/img/myimage.png"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/css/mysheet.css" type="text/css"/>

and so on.

This can be easily achieved by replacing in apache's configuration file:

<Location "/media/">
SetHandler None


<LocationMatch "/((css|js|img|swf|pdf)/|favicon.ico)">
SetHandler None

Of course you have to have all you media files in folders like css, js, img... or anything that you specify in last regular expression.

UPDATE: See this post before using this approach.


  1. I'm pretty sure that they give an example in the docs on the Django site where they use something like the following:

    SetHandler None

    Which will snag any file with an extension that you've listed and stop mod_python from serving it .... much simpler than sorting your pngs and gifs into their own files : )

  2. Hmmm .... your comment system ate my config (must have thought that it was html)

    I had the following:

    LocationMatch "\.(jpg|css|png|gif|js)$"

    inside the tags, which is capturing the file extension of whatever is being served (rather than the folder).

  3. I haven't seen it in the documentation, may be it's in the django book.

    Anyway, I prefer to set it by directory. May be I have an image in my django directory that I don't want to share.

    Thanks anyway for your comment, it's always good having more opinions, ideas...

  4. Admin, please send me mail at, thanks.

  5. Thanks for the tip!

  6. That was a well written article, very intereting,thank you for a good read.
