Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Gambia countdown

In less than two weeks I'll go back to The Gambia, this time with two friends.

Flight information is next:

Barcelona -> Banjul (Flight JK202, departing on Nov 20th at 18:45, arriving at 22:50)

Banjul -> Barcelona (Flight JK203, departing on Nov 27th at 23:50, arriving at 5:40 on  next day)

There, we'll spend some days in Brikama, and I'll go around in the country.

1 comment:

  1. Bon dia Marc.

    Que tal per Gambia? m'agradaria anar el juny que ve, que en dius?

    Salutacións i segueix amb el teu esfoç amb django.
